- Nebraska
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- New Mexico
- Alaska
- Idaho
- North Dakota
- Montana
Not long after that we watched a documentary on the sculpting (ie. blasting) of Mount Rushmore. "I'd really like to see that in person," he said.
Well, there's really only one way to get a good look at Mount Rushmore and that's to drive to it. Getting there from St. Louis means traveling through Missouri and across most of Nebraska, then heading north to South Dakota.
But, hey! We could keep going west to Wyoming and see Yellowstone National Park and then go north to Montana before South Dakota and see another state. Plus, after laying eyes on Mount Rushmore we could drive across the rest of South Dakota then hit the northern tip of Iowa and finally see my birthplace--Sibley, Iowa. [For as long as I can remember my mother told me Sibley is the most desolate place in the world. Surely there's something redeeming about Sibley that I can find.] We'll drop back down through the rest of Iowa and hit Missouri at Hannibal. We'll check out some of the Mark Twain sites (John's never been there either even though he's lived less than two hours away since he's been 15 years old), then head back home to the STL in time for my son's big 3-0 (!) birthday April 27th.
But, hey! We could keep going west to Wyoming and see Yellowstone National Park and then go north to Montana before South Dakota and see another state. Plus, after laying eyes on Mount Rushmore we could drive across the rest of South Dakota then hit the northern tip of Iowa and finally see my birthplace--Sibley, Iowa. [For as long as I can remember my mother told me Sibley is the most desolate place in the world. Surely there's something redeeming about Sibley that I can find.] We'll drop back down through the rest of Iowa and hit Missouri at Hannibal. We'll check out some of the Mark Twain sites (John's never been there either even though he's lived less than two hours away since he's been 15 years old), then head back home to the STL in time for my son's big 3-0 (!) birthday April 27th.

So over the next three weeks we'll knock four more states off John's list. But, wait, there's more! We're scratching "Take a vacation in an RV" off our joint bucket list. We rented a cute little 24 foot motorhome, complete with kitchen, bathroom, flat screen television, dining table, and bed.
Stay tuned…we're westward bound (and northward and eastward and southward for that matter.)
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